TTT Riga began the new season of the Betsafe-WBBL on a winning note, defeating Daugavpils University 105:46 (28:12, 31:12, 23:11, 23:11) on the road.

Credit: TTT Riga
Credit TTT Riga

The younger and less experienced hosts had no chance, as the visitors dominated from the very first quarter.

Gabija Meškonytė

Gabija  Meškonytė
Team: TTT Riga
Position: SF
Age: 25
Height: 182 cm
Birth place: Vilnius, Lithuania

Gabija Meškonytė, with 21 points and 8 rebounds, and Evelina Otto, with 15 points and 9 rebounds, were the top performers for the winners.

Among the hosts, Kinga Piedel stood out the most, scoring 23 points.

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